Anderson, R., Anderson, M., Babine, R., Feghali, F., Dunstan, E., Glazer, M., Horton, S., O’Brien, S., Pontius, E., Smith, D., Viens, M., & Williams, H. (2019). Bringing Upstairs Care Downstairs: Integration of Rehabilitation Medicine, Care Management, and the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) into an Emergency Department. Journal of Maine Medical Center, 1 (1). Available at:
Austin, S.M. & McMillan (2019, June): Maternal Overdose That Results in Resporatory Arrest During Pregnancy. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, Vol. 48, Issue 3, S162–S163 [Published poster abstract in Proceedings of the 2019 AWHONN Convention]. Doi:
Babine, R., Hyrkas, K., Mckenzie, C.G., & Wierman, H. (2019). Mobilizing older adults: A multi-site, exploratory and observational study on patients enrolled in the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP). Geriatric Nursing, 40, 239-245.
Cairo, S., Craig, W., Gutheil, C., & Han, P., Hyrkas, K., Macken, L., & Whiting, J. (2019). Changing the Surgical Residency: A Mixed-Methods Study of Residents’ and Faculty Experiences One Year After Implementation. Journal of Maine Medical Center, 1(1). Available at:
Clark, D.E., Fulton, G., Ontengco, J.B., Lachance, T., & Sutton, J.E. (2019, June). Moose-Motor Vehicle collision: A continuing hazard in New England. Journal American College of Surgeons, 228(6), 941-947. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2018.12.041
Clopton, E. & Hyrkas, K. (2019, Nov). Modeling emergency department workload in real time: An exploratory study. International Emergency Nursing, 48, Article 100793. doi: 10.1016/j.ienj.2019.100793
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Hayworth, L.M. & Hyrkas, K. (2020). Evidence-based education for Perianesthesia RNs to improve knowledge and attitudes of electroconvulsive therapy: A quality improvement project. Journal of PerAnesthesia Nursing. 35(2):120-124. doi:10.1016/j.jopan.2019.09.004
Kennedy, M., Helfand, B., Gou, R. Gartaganis, S., Webb, M., J. Moccia, J., Bruursema, S., Dokic, B., McCulloch, B., Ring, H., Margolin, J., Zhang, E., Anderson, R., Babine, R., Hshieh, T., Ambrose H. Wong, R. Taylor, A., Davenport, K., Teresi, B.,Fong, T. & Inouye, S (2020, Nov.19). Delirium in Older Patients With COVID-19 Presenting to the Emergency Department. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.29540
Laflamme J. & Hyrkas K. (2020) New Graduate Orientation Evaluation: Are There Any Best Practices Out There? A Scoping Review. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development. 36(4):199-212. doi: 10.1097/NND.0000000000000642.
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Ontengco, J. B. (2019, Jan-Feb). Increasing Referrals to a Community Paramedicine Fall Prevention Program through Implementation of a Daily Management System. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 26(1):50-58.
Ontengco, J. B. Increasing Referrals to a Community Paramedicine Fall Prevention Program through Implementation of a Daily Management System. Journal of Trauma Nursing, (2019, Jan-Feb), 26(1):50-58.
Radmore, N. & Hyrkas, K. (2019, July). Teaching-learning partnership between nurse and people receiving peritoneal dialysis: A qualitative study. Journal of Renal Care, 45(3):159-170. doi:10.1111/jorc.12291
Riker, R.R., Sawyer, M.E., Fischman, V.G., May, T., Lord, C., Eldridge, A., & Seder, D.B. (2019, May 8). Neurological Pupil Index and Pupillary Light Reflex by Pupillometry Predict Outcome Early After Cardiac Arrest. Neurocritical Care. doi: 10.1007/s12028-019-00717-4
Rockefeller, K.A., Macken, L., & Craig, A.K. (2019, Jun 3). Trying to Do What Is Best: A Qualitative Study of Maternal-Infant Bonding and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Advances in Neonatal Care, 19(5): E3-E15. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000616
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Tilney P, Forrest Raymond Sheppard F & Ontengco J (2020) A 69-Year-Old Woman With Traumatic Cardiac Arrest. Air Medical Journal 000 (2020) 1−4 (In Press)
Vernamonti, J.P., Holcomb, J., Mick, N.W., Falank, C., Ontengco, J.B., Rappold, J., & Sheppard, F.R. (2019). ‘Step Up’ approach to the application of REBOA technology in a rural trauma system. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open, 4e000335. doi: 10.1136/tsaco-2019-000335
Whitney-Dumais, T. & Hyrkas, K. (2019, May). Identifying pragmatic aspects for succession planning needs. Nursing Management, 50(5), 32-37. doi: 10.1097/
Wiggins, M.S., Bates, P., & Benneyan, J. (2019 Feb). Educating Caregivers to Provide Safe Care. Health Affairs (Millwood), 38(2), 328-329. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2018.05474